if you are interested in applying for media accreditation for our airshow event, please read the information below.
If you feel you fit the criteria, click the link at the bottom of the page to apply.
Press information and accreditation
We will be welcoming media accreditation applications for our airshow event on the weekend of Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd June 2024.
Due to limited space on the airfield, we will not be providing special facilities for the media such as enclosures or special access, unless arranged for a specific purpose.
We will be limiting the number of press accreditations we issue, so an application will not necessarily mean that you will be granted a media ticket. Accreditation will include access to the flight line walk and parking in the public car parks.
In order for us to process the applications and select the successful applicants, it is essential that all applications are received, no later than 30th April via the media accreditation form below. We will inform successful applicants of our decision, no later than 10th May.
To help you decide if your application is likely to be successful, we will be looking for the following criteria:
You must be representing a professional media business or a form of output with significant coverage.
We will not be offering accreditations to small personal websites or social media pages.
For large publishing organisations, we will be limiting passes to one per title, per day.
The title must be relevant to the airshow content.
We are especially interested in applications that can provide publicity before the event dates.
If you feel you fit the criteria for accreditation, please fill out a media application form by clicking the link below.